QR2Z.com is temporarily out of service due to some capacity constraints.

I am super excited to be bring out the next version of the platform. However, I am unsure when will I get a chance to restart same. Till then I just wish a lot of success to your Food Service businesses. Cook fresh, Serve fresh and Smile.

If you are a restaurant/F&B business who are looking for a tech solution on any problem in your business, I would encourage you to fill out the following form to let me know what is making you frustrated/depressed in serving good quality food.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Business Name
CEO / CFO / Owner, etc.
For SMS/Whatsapp update only.
Average number of employees working at each branch.
How may orders do you get on an average in each location on a daily basis.
How many items do you have generally display in your Menu?
Is your kitchen profitable?
Do you have your own website?
Do you sell on 3rd party apps/sites?
If you were given power to change one thing in food service industry what would it be? OR tell me what’s affecting your business success.