Introducing Super Admin


Super Admin is a place for admin productivity. I am announcing here its first ‘Birth‘ release.

In this birth release, I am also introducing KYU – “Know Your User” in same.

KYU is a Tab/Item in Super Admin app, which enables admins to find SOME important information around any users in their Org with power of 1 single click. Yes, 1 single click.


Before going through some important details, lets see a quick demonstration. Hang tight, this can make veteran admins miss Classic environment:

Super Admin

How does it works?

You can search for a user using username, name, email, profile and role name.

Here is a list of information that it gives you at moment:

  • Permission Sets and Permission Set Groups assigned to users.
  • Groups a user is assigned to, including Role based assignments.
  • Duplicates rules managed by* the user.
  • Matching rules managed by* the user.
  • Apex Email Notifications set for the user.
  • Email templates managed by* the user.
  • Folders managed by* the user.
  • Connected app created by the user.
  • Oauth token being used by the user.
  • Reports managed by* the user.
  • Dashboards managed by* the user.
  • Assignment rules managed by* the user.
  • Briefcase assigned to the user. (Not via roles as of now)
  • Apex classes managed by* the user.
  • Apex triggers managed by* the user.
  • Scheduled Jobs (CronJobs) managed by* the user.

Managed by* here means either the user created or recently modified entity in context. In such areas you will have both the Created By and Last Modified By columns.


  1. Get the app here:
  2. Install it for admins and access the ‘Super Admin’ app from your Lightning App Launcher.

Important notes

  • This app is currently NOT listed on AppExchange Marketplace via the Salesforce Appexchange Partner Program.
  • This app is meant to be accessed only by Admin users. Please install & configure the app accordingly.
  • The app also has a permission set – ‘Super Admin Access‘ if you want to extend the access to a special user. Along with this you will also have to enable visibility of the included TABs for the special user’s profile.
  • The results are limited to 100 records per item at moment. As I get to listen some super admin experiences/feedbacks, I will eventually re-iterate things in future releases.
  • I have built this in last few days and I didn’t had much data in developer Org to test it out, which is why I am releasing this directly on my website for public review and tests. The help tab in this app will enable you to send me direct feedbacks.
  • Any updates regarding this app, will be published on this page itself. Share it with your super admin friends.

Have a great day ❤️