What is Salesforce Scheduler?

Salesforce Scheduler enables your business to allow customers/stakes book an appointment with your business experts. It’s an add-on license which uses Salesforce Industries Cloud, Sales Cloud and some of its own packaged objects behind the scene.

A few example scenarios

  1. Setting up a doctor’s consultation appointment before visiting – Health
  2. Setting up a virtual meeting appointment for interview – HR
  3. Conducting an eye check-up program for registered patients – Nonprofit
  4. Setting up a 1-to-1 investment consultation for a client – Financing

Salesforce provides a nice setup wizard which one can follow for the setup. However, we will not be using same here to better understand the data model.

Have a look at below data model, where I have listed some important object names, their meaning, examples and possible relationships shown in a little non-technical way.

Salesforce scheduler data model

Sample business scenario

We have a Corporate Loans EXPERT in one of our banking business location – Pune. Customer Belon Rusk wants to meet the expert to understand things better before proceeding with the loan. Configure & schedule an appointment using Salesforce Scheduler.

Let’s see this in action

Salesforce Scheduler high level walk through.